Speed up your database

Is your database being very slow to respond? Nothing is more irritating to staff than finding that their access to vital data is sluggish – especially if they are on the phone to a difficult customer.

We have a team that specialises in getting databases to run smoothly. 


In the current era in which data is king, managing legacy databases can cause real problems. 

Sometimes there are really simple solutions such as building in pre indexing that will enable the database to run very significantly faster because they are using standard database tools that may not have even existed when the database was originally built. 

Even though Access databases are now an old technology in programming terms, they are still very much in use - even if the original author is no longer available to you. Our Access experts can readily bring the database up to date clearing out such common problems as ‘data locking’ which bedevil multiple users of an Access database. 

We are all part of a supply chain now, and sharing data in a secure manner can be key to working with some of your larger customer – creating API connectors to your database or running JSON services

Data Visualisation turns the data into information that can be readily digested by managers who need to have access as a matter of routine. 


Let us know a few details about your systems and we'll be happy to have a conversation with you, or phone direct on +441424442400.

What database are you using?
How many users are there?
When was the database first set up?
Are you getting bandwidth charges?
Please let us know how to contact you. (We won't use this for any other reason, alternatively you can call us on +44 1424 442400)

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The Benefits

Our software Development team are specialists in Databases and website implementations and optimisation. We can help your business grow while maintaining and extending your existing bespoke software.

Many development companies do not like to touch pre-existing software which has not been maintained in a while; however with a bit of tweaking, we can extend its life by improving its efficiency, updating any core legacy issues it may have, and produce a new roadmap for the future to make you, your staff and your business more productive again!

Please get in touch to talk over any of your existing issues, and we can have a chat about how we could help improve things for you.