Written on 13 January 2021
Google will change how they rank your website in May 2021
The key metric that determines how Google ranks your website is the performance of ‘Core Web Vitals’. These are key metrics relating to how well your site is constructed, the load speed, any error issues found by the spider etc. The main change that will be introduced by Google from May, will be giving greater weight to the Core Web Vitals as seen on a mobile device; in recognition of the fact that more than half of all web accesses is now on smaller screens. If you do not already have a Responsive site design it is unlikely that you will have a good ranking.
Compare your website against that of your main competitors
Enter your address
Or go to https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
Put in your domain address and Google will give you an instant analysis of your basic ranking (Red is unsatisfactory, Amber is marginal, and Green is the target).
Then compare your ranking with that of your competitors….!
This test can be used for any page on your site, not just the home page, so it is worth checking out all your key entry pages. Yes, this is page based rather than site based, and more complex pages could have adverse impacts on the overall score for the whole domain.
How to improve your ranking
There are no short cuts to getting a good Google ranking. On the whole Google is a lot cleverer that the average website designer and you are not going to be able to trick them into a false reading. The focus is now firmly on best practice programming and quality/relevance of the original content.
The Google Page Speed Insights tool will give your site designers a lot of detailed information on what needs to be done in order to improve your Core Web Vitals.
If your site has enough traffic, you will even see Field data which uses the rolling 28-day average of users visiting your site; and a message to say whether the overall feeling – rather than individual page – passes.
The Green zone standard is really quite demanding!!!
If your web designers are not familiar with the more arcane technical requirements for moving out of the red zone, we are happy to work with them and can sometime make very rapid improvements.
The deadline is May 2021
If you wish to discuss this further, please call Steve Milton on 01424 423827